Creciendo contigo

Plazo de presentación del 8 de marzo al 6 de abril, ambos inclusive.
No es lo que hacemos sino cómo lo hacemos
Desde el año 1994
creciendo a nuestro lado
repartidos diariamente
llenos de comida y sueños
Amor, respeto y comprensión

Apostamos por una crianza respetuosa y familiar, ofreciendo a los más pequeños/as un entorno seguro, donde el afecto y la confianza son lo primordial.

Nuestros principales ingredientes
  • 5Respeto de los distintos procesos evolutivos
  • 5Escucha, observación y acompañamiento
  • Muchos besos, mimos y abrazos
Crianza respetuosa
  • The affection with which they have treated my daughter is priceless, the teaching staff is made up of excellent professionals who prioritize the well-being of the students. I can proudly say that they contribute to forging better people and the activities they do with them are fantastic. It is the perfect place for children's first moments of autonomy. Its director was right with all the diagnoses she gave us when my little girl was sick, even better than the pediatrician.

    Simón Zapatel (Simonakas Zapatopulos) Avatar Simón Zapatel (Simonakas Zapatopulos)
  • My two children have spent some wonderful years of their lives surrounded by love and hugs at Bambino's. They have cared for and pampered them with a lot of love, which is what they needed in their early years. I can only recommend this kindergarten.

    Marta R Avatar Marta R
  • My experience has been wonderful, if I had another child I would definitely take him. There are 3 teachers who have been working together for many years and the relationship with all of them has been impeccable, the attention is super familiar, they are affectionate and constant in teaching. The food is organic and very healthy. They promote autonomy, respecting the stages and times of each child. They keep parents informed of everything and at the moment. The parents of my son's class have maintained contact so that our little ones do not lose the bond with their classmates. We continue to stay now that they have finished this stage and I know that we are all super happy and grateful to have been able to live through the difficult time with such peace of mind. first stage of schooling for our little ones. I totally recommend it, without a doubt 😉

    Raquel Rodríguez Avatar Raquel Rodríguez
  • Following Nicolás's review I am forced to respond. Either he's in the wrong school or it doesn't make sense to me. To begin with, there are no owners, but owners. The number of caregivers does not add up and the number of children less, since they are very strict with the ratios and any legal issues. There are no wooden benches or the swing that you mention, nor the possibility of seeing the children through an App. It is my third year with them and my second child. The experience is totally contrary to what was described and this sounds like a fake review to me. Let's be fair with reality. They act like an extension of the family and I only feel gratitude and enormous affection for the team. I am very sorry for your experience Nicolás and I am glad that your little one is fine now, but if all that happened to him, it was not at Bambino's.

    Alexandra Labrador Moraleda Avatar Alexandra Labrador Moraleda
  • I am very grateful and very calm to be able to leave Aitana with such dedicated and loving people. It is a place where children are treated so well and with so much love that it becomes familiar. They adapt to every need of children, but also to those of parents; because they are super flexible and understanding. When my daughter is not there, she spends her time naming them and telling things with a lot of love. Thank you very much for being part of our lives and accompanying my girl in her growth and learning!

    Marianela Urra Avatar Marianela Urra
  • Both of my children have spent wonderful years of their lives surrounded by love and hugs at Bambino's. They have been cared for and pampered with a lot of love, which is what they needed in their early years. I can only recommend this nursery school.

    Marta R Avatar Marta R
  • We are delighted with the collar! It is worth noting the real balanced and healthy diet that they give to the little ones, the method of personalized adaptation to each one and the affection as they treat them. They have a super original educational plan, I have seen great progress in my daughter, she says new words and hums songs. It is very reassuring to know that she is happy, because she wants to be there and how affectionate everyone is with her. I really recommend this school.

    Nea Perez Avatar Nea Perez
  • Vinimos a esta guarde recomendada por una amiga. Hemos estado encantados con la decisión. Lo que más cabría destacar, es su trato hacia los niños, la cantidad de actividades que hacen y sobre todo su flexibilidad. Atendiendo a las necesidades de los niños y de los padres para cuadrar los horarios.

    Aliena Avatar Aliena
  • My experience has been wonderful, if I had another child I would take him without a doubt. They are 3 teachers who have been working together for many years and the relationship with all of them has been impeccable, the attention is super familiar, they are affectionate and constant in teaching. The food is organic and very healthy. They promote autonomy respecting the stages and times of each child. They keep parents informed of everything and at the moment. The parents of my son's course have kept in touch so that our little ones do not lose the bond with their classmates, we continue to meet now that they have finished this stage and I know that we are all super happy and grateful to have been able to live with such tranquility the difficult first stage of schooling for our little ones. I totally recommend it, without a doubt 😉

    Raquel Rodríguez Avatar Raquel Rodríguez
Calle Concejal Francisco José Jiménez Martín, 142 - Madrid

Escuela Infantil Bambino

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    C/ Concejal Fco. José Jiménez Martín, 142 - Madrid
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